LASS Programs & Events Cancelled due to COVID-19

Greetings Friends of LASS – in light of recent public health recommendations and BC school closures, LASS has made the difficult decision to cancel all of our Spring Events and Programs.

Cancelled Programs: ONE-TO-ONE Reading; Valid After-School Reading; Cyber Seniors Computer Tutoring.

Cancelled Events: Valid Reading Year-End Celebration; Volunteer Tea and AGM; Spelling Bee Fundraiser

All of us at LASS are tremendously grateful for the support we receive from our volunteers and our donors each year. Please know that our programs could not run without your energy and your donations.

The LASS Staff and Board are deeply appreciative for all that our volunteers and donors do to promote literacy and to support one another throughout the year.

We will continue to provide updates on LASS on our Facebook page and via email. Please reach out to us by email if you have any questions or concerns – you can reach Lola Storry, Literacy Outreach Coordinator at

Stay well and take care of one another.

With Gratitude – The LASS Team