One to OneCommunity volunteers are trained to read with children in our local elementary schools. The program recognizes the value of having trained volunteers encouraging and supporting children who are struggling with reading. In the past three years, LASS has trained over 300 community volunteers for this program.

The mission of the ONE TO ONE program is to provide a supportive environment that builds the self-confidence and literacy skills of children, enabling them to become independent and competent learners.

Are you Interested in being a volunteer tutor with ONE TO ONE?

If you have questions or concerns, please email the Literacy Alliance of the Shuswap Society (LASS) Children’s Program Coordinator, Terra Stephenson at

Sample ONE TO ONE Coordinator Documents

Daily Record Sheet

My Reading Log

ONE TO ONE Book Levels

PM Benchmark

Parent Evaluation Participation

Pre Tutoring Interview

Recognition Certificate

Reverse Consent Form

Student Profile

Student Schedule

Volunteer Schedule

Tutor Recruitment Poster

Tutor Thank You Poem

Volunteer Sign In

Did you volunteer with ONE TO ONE reading? Please fill out the Volunteer Survey at the conclusion of the session.