The Literacy Alliance of the Shuswap Society (LASS) is a non-profit society (established in 2009) and a registered charity. A District Literacy Plan has been developed with a focus on literacy awareness, collaboration, and education in the four pillar areas: Early Learning, K-12 Literacy, Adult Literacy, and Aboriginal Literacy.
Download the 2015-16 District Literacy Plan: DLP North Okanagan-Shuswap 2015-2016 (Reduced file size)
Mission Statement
The Literacy Alliance of the Shuswap Society promotes literacy in the North Okanagan-Shuswap area through awareness, collaborative partnerships, and education in order to enhance the health and well-being of individuals and the community.
Our Annual General Meeting is held in late April or early May each year, and we welcome community members from all areas of the North Okanagan-Shuswap to join our literacy society and help promote literacy in our community by becoming a member.
LASS Board meetings are held the second Wednesday of every second month at 2:30pm at the LASS office, starting in September of each year.
Literacy Supporters
LASS is very grateful to all of our community partners, sponsors, supporters, and volunteers. We would like to thank the Province of British Columbia and Decoda Literacy Solutions for their ongoing support of this organization. We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.
We would like to thank the following businesses, organizations, and individuals for their financial and in-kind support of literacy initiatives in our community:
- Active Chiropractic
- Aquatico Bay Restaurant
- Bookingham Palace
- Browne Johnson Land Surveyors
- City of Salmon Arm
- Eagle Valley Community Support Society
- Enderby & District Financial Community Endowment Fund (First West Foundation)
- EZ Rock 91.5 FM
- Friday AM
- Interior Health
- IODE Enderby
- Lakeshore News
- the Mall at Piccadilly
- Okanagan College
- Okanagan Regional Library
- Saint John Ambulance
- Salmon Arm GM
- Salmon Arm Observer
- Salmon Arm Senior’s Drop-In Centre
- SASCU Financial Group
- School District No. 83
- School District No. 83 District PAC
- Shuswap Children’s Association
- Shuswap Community Foundation
- Shuswap Family Resource and Referral Society
- Shuswap Market News
- South Shuswap Health Services Society
- Tina Cosman-Century21 & Rochelle Dale-Remax
- Valid Manufacturing
- Voice of the Shuswap Community Radio
- Many generous individuals