The Literacy Alliance of the Shuswap Society’s first annual Spelling Bee Fundraiser was a huge success! With the help of our sponsors and volunteers, we raised $13,000 and had a lot of fun doing it.

The winner of the inaugural Team Spelling Bee Fundraiser was the Kween Beez team, made up of these members of a local book club: Suzy Beckner, Dr. Daphne Brown of Active Chiropractic, Debbie Phillips, Shannon Murrells-Allaway, Laura Hepburn, Sue Dulley, Andrea Pyle, and Madeleine Eames. The winners received a plaque with their team name, a gift bag, and gift cards to Bookingham Palace bookstore in the Piccadilly Mall, as well as bragging rights!
Our sponsors have really shown how much they care about literacy in our community, and we want to take this opportunity to thank them. Because of the money they donated we can keep our invaluable literacy programs up and running for another year. Thank you again to our wonderful sponsors:
Gold Sponsors:
- Salmon Arm Observer
- Aquatico Bay Restaurant
- Valid Manufacturing
- Salmon Arm GM
- TA Structures
- School District No. 83
- School District No. 83 District Parent Advisory Council
Silver Sponsors:
- Shuswap Orthodontics
- Browne Johnson Land Surveyors
- RBC Dominion Securities and BDO Chartered Accountants
- SASCU Wealth Management
- Integrity Roofing
- Brooke Jackson Downs Lawyers
Bronze Sponsors:
- Active Chiropractic
- Faster Than Light Computing
- Salmon Arm Friends of the Library
- Sorrento Friends of the Library
- GoldMinds Brain Fitness
- Salmon Arm Stationery
- Mediability
- Puzzle Factory
- The Mall at Piccadilly
- Rotary Club of Salmon Arm
- Rotary Club of Salmon Arm-Shuswap
- Rotary Club of Salmon Arm-Daybreak
- Tim Hortons
- Tina Cosman, Remax
- And numerous individual donors